Experienced marketer in the tech industry.

My Background


2022 - Present

Digital Marketing Specialist

2018 - 2022

Marketing Manager

2014 - 2018

Marketing Assistant
Tech Campaigns

Lead Generation Campaigns

Successfully generated qualified leads for tech companies.

person holding smartphone
person holding smartphone
Matrix movie still
Matrix movie still
Brand Awareness Campaigns

Built brand awareness for tech companies through targeted campaigns.

man in black top calling beside wall
man in black top calling beside wall
Conversion Campaigns

Drove conversions through effective digital marketing campaigns.

gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
Tech Landscape Campaigns

Executed targeted campaigns across the tech landscape.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
Data-Driven Campaigns

Implemented data-driven strategies for successful marketing campaigns.

Qualified Lead Generation

Generated qualified leads for tech companies through targeted campaigns.

Matrix movie still
Matrix movie still
Brand Awareness Building

Built brand awareness for tech companies through effective campaigns.